Budget & Treasury
Manager Position / Job Description : | |
Name of Head : Samson Kaziko | |
Contact number : 033 413 9100 | |
E-mail address : | |
The core functions of the Budget & Treasury Department are as follows:-
- Strategic planning and budget process guidelines.
- Budget Planning,Preparation and Implementation
- Preparation of tariffs.
- Management of the consolidation and presentation of the budgets to council.
- Assisting in the alignment of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP)
- Budget monitoring and control.
- Preparation of end-year comparative reports, dashboard financial indicators and financial information for the municipal manager, mayor, provincial and national treasury
- Providing strategic advice and support to departments
- Implementation of budget reforms in terms of National Treasury guidelines
- Implementation and management of tariff policies that govern tariffs and co-ordinating the determination of tariffs
- Preparation of a long-term and medium-term expenditure framework, IDP and Long-term Development Framework
- Development and maintenance of a financial model
- Compliance with budget and financial issues in terms of the Municipal Finance Management Act
Financial statements
The department is responsible for the overall planning, direction, management and co-ordination for the preparation of Umvoti Municipalities Annual Financial Statements
Main focus areas
- Managing the consolidation and presentation of the financial statements to council.
- Co-ordinating the preparation of audit working papers
- Attending to areas of weakness as identified in the Auditor Generals Report
- Implementing Generally Accepted Municipal Accounting Practices (GAMAP)
- Improving financial management reporting
- Processing of Value Added Tax returns
- Authorising amendments to the chart of accounts